Rental Agreement Letter Example. Due to (list specific reasons such as family crisis, leave of absence from the University, etc.) it is necessary to terminate my lease at this time. Length of rental Agreement Template, amount of rent, amount of deposit, pets and special terms that the both parties have mutually agreed upon can be mentioned in the letter.
Remember to check with local laws as well as the terms of your lease for any information you may need to include in the lease termination letter.
A Notice of Lease Violation is a document through which a landlord can inform a tenant that they are in violation of their lease.
I will be moving out on (date). The notice period should be clearly stated in your rental agreement, so make sure you are following protocol. Lease agreement is important so that the lessor, the legal owner of the asset, and the lessee, the one who promise to lease the asset in exchange of a sum certain of money, will have a contract that is binding between them for their own protection.