Sample Letter Of Debt Agreement. The Debt Settlement Agreement is a contract signed between a creditor and debtor to re-negotiate or compromise on a debt. The Lender has loaned to Borrower the amount of $_____ on the date In agreement to the above mentioned terms the Lender and Borrower sign below: Applicable Law.
A Debt Settlement Agreement is a document used by a Debtor (the person who owes money) or Creditor (the person who is owed money) to This Agreement allows the two Parties to negotiate and come to a consensus about a lesser amount of money that the Debtor will pay to take care of the debt.
The Lender has loaned to Borrower the amount of $_____ on the date In agreement to the above mentioned terms the Lender and Borrower sign below: Applicable Law.
This Debt Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") states the terms and conditions that govern the contractual agreement between [COMPANY] having its principal place of business at WHEREAS, the Debtor wishes to settle the Debt in full according to the terms of this Debt Settlement Agreement. For whatever reason, the debtor has an outstanding unpaid debt. Write a letter of authority, cancel a continuous payment, or tell a creditor a debt is statute barred.